Our horses live as a herd in large paddocks surrounded by the scenic Cobboboonee forest. In equine assisted therapy we use their herd dynamics, when we work with people.
The Healing Herd programs bring horses and people together in a therapeutic setting. Horses healing people, is also known as Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) & Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP). People either individually or in groups interact with horses as part of their healing.
Horses are sensitive and feel subtle changes in their environment and in the people working with them. They evoke strong emotions in people and are wonderful teachers for how to be present and grounded. This sensitivity, combined with the expertise of a facilitators trained in teaching life and coping skills, can be an incredibly powerful experience as part of a healing journey.
If you want to change or are experiencing an imbalance in life, come join our equine teachers of mindfulness in our beautiful rural location.
"I feel so grateful to have had such positive influences during my rehab and recovery with your professional support, encouragement & advice I now have the knowledge and tools to continue my wellbeing journey into my life. I so much appreciate your thoughtfulness and caring manner in which you helped me during this challenging time. Our sessions have been somewhat emotional at times, but the tears always ended in laughter and a smile. Thank you again!"
Kylie about here experience at Pathways for Healing
The Healing Herd programs consists of a team of horses and two facilitators who have spent a great deal of their lives working with horses and people therapeutically.
The experience provided to the person takes place on the ground, where they are offered an opportunity to explore issues through experiential learning. Participants learn about themselves and others by engaging and undertaking activities with the horses, and then processing and discussing their thoughts, beliefs, behaviours and patterns.
We provide individual, group, leadership and retreat programs.
Equine assisted therapy not a counselling service, but provides a therapeutic environment for personal growth, healing and learning. The healing herd can be incorporated into a majority of our programs. As part of Pathways For Living Ltd holistic approach, we can provide you with a number of professional services, including counselling, Optimal Health, Constellations Therapy, Emotional Mind Integration (EMI) and other modalities. We invite you to see our programs page for further information.